Have You Started Spring Cleaning?

A new season is upon us; it’s time to break out the Hefty bags.

Nia Simone McLeod
2 min readMar 13, 2023
A Black woman sits in front of three cardboard boxes with clothes in them. The boxes are labeled “keep”, “donate”, and “trash”.
Photo by RODNAE Productions

A few days ago, I threw away about a dozen of expired makeup products I had. They were taking up space in a purse I repurposed as a secondary makeup bag.

There’s something about decluttering that makes you feel like you’ve got your life together, like you’ve never forgotten to cancel a free trial before it ends. I understand why people like Marie Kondo make a career out of organizing. It is exhilarating.

I’ll be doing a lot of spring cleaning this year. I have a lot of belongings that need to be decluttered: hair products, clothes, books.

Spring cleaning helps me make my space a better reflection of who I am at this moment. I start to let go of the past, who I was months or years ago, like when I bought the too-light Maybelline Fit Me foundation currently sitting in my trash can.

Are you planning to do some spring cleaning? If so, what are some things you want to get rid of? Let me know what’s up in the comments!

Nia Simone McLeod is a writer with too many opinions about pop culture and managing creativity.



Nia Simone McLeod

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